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Panel Discussion: Surviving Skokie and Reawakening

Join us for a panel discussion with filmmakers Blair Gershkow (Surviving Skokie) and Alexandra Horowitz (Reawakening) and other participants. These films explore anti-Semitism, genocide, and white supremacy and are available to watch before the event when you register.

About the Films:

Surviving Skokie They survived the horrors of the Holocaust and came to America to put the past behind. For decades they kept their awful memories secret, even from their children. But their silence ended when a band of neo-Nazi thugs threatened to march in their quiet village of Skokie, Illinois "because that is where the Jews are."

Surviving Skokie is an intensely personal documentary by filmmakers Blair Gershkow and former Skokie resident Eli Adler about the provocative events of the 1970's, their aftermath, Eli's family's horrific experience of the shoah, and a journey to Poland with his father to confront long-suppressed memories.

Reawakening Reawakening documents the Charlottesville Jewish community’s response to the 2017 Unite the Right rallies. In it, the rabbis and members of Charlottesville’s only synagogue discuss how the white supremacy they experienced transformed their community and led them to become more involved in social justice.

Co-Sponsored by: The Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest

CHAIM (Children of Holocaust Survivors Association in Minnesota)

Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas

World Without Genocide


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